Site 1, Unit 1: Layer 1:3

Site 1

Group 2

Unit 1

Layer 1:3



A further 10 cm of soil was removed from Unit 1 and the extensions to expose the surface of 1:3. The first feature uncovered digging down was found in the southeast corner of Unit 1. It was labelled as 1:3 Feature 1 and comprised the tops of three limestone blocks. Careful excavation around and under these stones revealed the presence of human bone and so the feature was re-labeled Burial 1. A spindle whorl (cat. 12) was found associated with the bones after the stones were lifted. In 1:3 Feature 1 after the bones were removed a clay ‘line’ appeared running to south baulk. Another limestone block (c. 20 cm in length) was found near the northeast wall and labeled Feature 2. In the western part of the unit a very shallow (c. 5 cm deep), circular clay feature was labeled Feature 3. In the northern corner a fragmentary base of a bowl (cat. 4) was found in association with charcoal fragments and a clay earplug (cat. 1). It was situated near some fragments of weathered sandstone. Other items of material culture recovered at this level include ceramic sherds, (cat.s 6 & 7) that were found just to the west of where the edge of the large sandstone disc was positioned. In the extension, 1B, a chlorite pendant (cat. 36) was found under Jar 01020061 (1063.98 ASL). Thirty cm north of this was a hammerstone (cat. 37) and further north still (c. 90cm) a miniature jar with incised decoration (cat. 38) was found resting on a large limestone block. In the north baulk of 1B, near the east wall of the trench, a spindle whorl, (cat. 41) was found. The sandstone chips forming a pavement are still apparent at this depth as well. To the south of these (c. 60 cm away), the top of a limestone block was uncovered. In extension 1A the large siliceous quartz breccia boulder was removed but there was no evidence of features or burials beneath it. The soil in this layer was a dark reddish brown (5YR 3/4).


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