Site 116

Nao Sao, Youk Moun village. This site was visited and geolocated by Skopal and Bounxayhip in 2020. They recorded two granite jars. The first jar is positioned at the end of a raised spur surrounded by trees, which is likely the final resting place for the megalith. The second jar is located ca. 180m to the South, amongst very large granite boulders on a steep slope face with no discernible views. This is likely the source of stone for both the jars. The second jar was likely extracted from this quarry area and worked in place, although never moved to the designated final resting place. The rim style for both jars is Flat.


Group Jars Discs
Site 116, Group 1 1 0
Site 116, Group 2 1 0


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