According to Van Den Bergh et al. the site has a single group with 10 sandstone jars. The site is located in a wooded area high in the hills and many of the jars were damaged by trees roots. The site lies at approximately one hour walking distance from the village of Ban Hin.
Ban Hin was already recorded by Colani (Shewan and O'Reilly 2019:240-241). While this site may be the same as the site visited by Colani, she noted 16 jars, of which only 4 were in good condition.
Colani writes; "The field is situated two kilometres south-west of Ban Hin (Ban Na Hin) in mountainous country; it is shaded by the tall trees of a wilderness
of forest. Sixteen jars were set up in a picturesque location by a
path, on a sort of little crest which slopes gently from west to east. They
are of quartzy sandstone; and they have been subject to the same disintegration
by reaction to the atmosphere as at Ban Sieng Kieu.
At the surface, and for very few centimetres under it, the ground is beige-coloured earth containing roots of phanerogams; it is clayey and gradually becomes a brilliant reddish-brown. The monolithic vessels are set deep into the earth, some of which may have been brought down more recently from the mountain-top, from west to east. Two of the jars are lying down; the others are standing. Dimensions (fig. 120) are broadly those found at Ban Sieng Kieu. The jars are roughly all of the
same slimmer type (plate XXXIII), some of them have a small inner
ledge just below the opening. In one jar there is a round aperture low
on one side (plate XXXIII, 1 & 2).
The fashioning is the same as at Ban Sieng Kieu. There is a single (presumed)
stone lid (plate XXXIII, 2 & 3), extremely simple, in the shape of a spherical cap; it may have sat on top of the jar, barely overlapping its rim."
Ban Hin, Phou Tham Hua.
According to Van Den Bergh et al. the site has a single group with 10 sandstone jars. The site is located in a wooded area high in the hills and many of the jars were damaged by trees roots. The site lies at approximately one hour walking distance from the village of Ban Hin.
Ban Hin was already recorded by Colani (Shewan and O'Reilly 2019:240-241). While this site may be the same as the site visited by Colani, she noted 16 jars, of which only 4 were in good condition.
Colani writes; "The field is situated two kilometres south-west of Ban Hin (Ban Na Hin) in mountainous country; it is shaded by the tall trees of a wilderness of forest. Sixteen jars were set up in a picturesque location by a path, on a sort of little crest which slopes gently from west to east. They are of quartzy sandstone; and they have been subject to the same disintegration by reaction to the atmosphere as at Ban Sieng Kieu.
At the surface, and for very few centimetres under it, the ground is beige-coloured earth containing roots of phanerogams; it is clayey and gradually becomes a brilliant reddish-brown. The monolithic vessels are set deep into the earth, some of which may have been brought down more recently from the mountain-top, from west to east. Two of the jars are lying down; the others are standing. Dimensions (fig. 120) are broadly those found at Ban Sieng Kieu. The jars are roughly all of the same slimmer type (plate XXXIII), some of them have a small inner ledge just below the opening. In one jar there is a round aperture low on one side (plate XXXIII, 1 & 2).
The fashioning is the same as at Ban Sieng Kieu. There is a single (presumed) stone lid (plate XXXIII, 2 & 3), extremely simple, in the shape of a spherical cap; it may have sat on top of the jar, barely overlapping its rim."