Site 1, Unit 4, Layer 1:3, Feature 3

Site 1

Group 2

Unit 4


Layer 1:3

Near Jar 01020130 a feature named 1:3 F3 extended into the unit - the soil was gravelly and notably different in colour (7.5YR 4/3) to the surrounding matrix. There was some red clay mixed into the feature’s matrix indicating it had been excavated, in the past, into the natural substrate. This large feature encompassed the substantial limestone slab and some smaller limestone chunks. Found within the feature were a broken ceramic vessel (cat. 454) and some earthenware sherds (cat. 455, 476). In the portion of the feature that ran under jar 01020130 a charcoal sample was taken (cat. 449). The two limestone blocks were removed from the feature and human bone and a tooth found and it was renamed Burial 4. A fragment of this bone was sampled for radiocarbon dating and a piece of charcoal from the burial context was also sampled (cat. 488). Continued excavation revealed the presence of three human skulls and further long bones in the feature.


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